RCONIS is a joint venture of RPACT and inferential.biostatistics.

Our Team

Gernot Wassmer, PhD

Gernot Wassmer

Gernot Wassmer , PhD, is a statistician and co-founder of RPACT and RCONIS. He received his PhD in 1993 at the Institute of Statistics, University of Munich, and was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Epidemiology, GSF Neuherberg, and the Institute of Medical Statistics, University of Cologne. From 2010 to 2014 he worked as a software developer for Aptiv Solutions and ICON. His major research interest is in the field of statistical procedures for group sequential and adaptive plans in clinical trials.

Friedrich Pahlke, PhD

Friedrich Pahlke , with a PhD from the University of Lübeck (2008), has been an independent consultant in computer science, data science, and biostatistics since 2008. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at Lübeck’s Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics. As RPACT’s co-founder (established 2017) and co-founder of RCONIS (2024), he boasts over 20 years of software development and consulting expertise, specializing in R package and Shiny app programming and training.

Friedrich Pahlke

Daniel Sabanés Bové, PhD

Daniel Sabanés Bové

Daniel Sabanés Bové studied statistics and obtained his PhD in 2013 for his research work on Bayesian model selection. He started his career with 5 years in Roche as a biostatistician, then worked 2 years at Google as a Data Scientist, before rejoining Roche in 2020. Before co-founding RCONIS in 2024, Daniel had founded and has lead the Statistical Engineering team at Roche, which works on productionizing packages, Shiny modules and how-to templates for data scientists. Daniel is (co-)author of multiple R packages published on CRAN and Bioconductor, as well as the book “Likelihood and Bayesian Inference: With Applications in Biology and Medicine”. He is currently a co-chair of the openstatsware.org working group on Software Engineering in Biostatistics.

Carrie Li, PhD

Carrie Li received her PhD 2011 at Ohio State University for her research work on propensity score modeling. Carrie has extensive experience in large pharma as well as small biotech companies, having worked at Boehringer Ingelheim between 2011 and 2014, at Roche between 2014 and 2021, and at Idorsia Pharmaceuticals for between 2021 and 2022. Before co-founding RCONIS in 2024, Carrie has been Head of Biostatistics and Programming at IronWood / VectivBio in Basel, Switzerland.

Carrie Li

RCONIS® is a registered trademark owned by RPACT.